Quick Start for Educators

Welcome to linkr: jump right in!


1- Complete your profile

Add a banner, a profile picture and write a bit about who you are (ie: discipline, area of interest, etc.) The more detail you include, the easier it will be for members of your classes and communities to get to know you as a person, professional, researcher, and academic (learn more about users profile).


2- Create a class

Add a class and set the schedule and description. If you feel the class is related to an organization or community you are a part of on linkr, associate the class with that network. Learning outcomes help potential collaborators recognize shared goals.


3- Invite students to your class

Click on the "+ invite members" in the header banner of you class. Simply share the class url with your members and they will be added to your class once they have created their linkr student account

Learn more about How to add members to a class


4- Add a welcome message

Ask members to set up profiles, and use icebreakers and basic activities to get members of your class involved. Please contact us anytime if you have any questions!


5- Give students assignments to complete in linkr

Click here to learn more about Assignments in linkr and access a set of linkr assignments developed by experienced linkr Educators to inspire your own curriculum! Many teachers begin by asking students to begin by developing their profile including a biography which includes elements that help students realize the potential for collaboration within linkr. In the Assignments chapter, you will find, for example, a questionnaire that helps students consider what information to include in their biography. 


6- Linkr for Organizations

Please note that linkr provides organizations and institutions a unique home and software suite to manage, grow and train communities, such as experiential learning networks, internationalization offices and entire organizations. Organizations and Institutional Programs find linkr creates member engagement and retention, offers effective delivery of training courses, and enhances internal and external promotion. Experiential Learning Networks, Internationalization offices, Offices of Student Affairs, and training companies all benefit from linkr's suite of tools tailored to help power, grow and connect their communities. 

Please contact us anytime if you want to know more about our offering for Organizations.

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