How to add members to a class

To add members to a class, simply click on the "+ add members" button and copy the class url:

Then, share that url with people you would like to invite to join the class.


Through this URL, people will land on a login page and will have to either login or create a linkr account:


Once they have logged in or confirmed their new account, they will arrive on your class public page. They will then request access as below:


Once they have requested access, you will get an email notification asking you to accept or refuse the members:


Clicking on "Manage class members" will direct you to the members tab of the class, on which you will be able to accept the new member. Members pending approval have a green "Accept" button and always appear at the top left of your class members list. To accept them, simply click on accept.


To refuse a member, click on the three dots on the top right of the card and click on refuse. The member will automatically be informed by email of your refusal.

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