
linkr: flexible and powerful publishing software

linkr's publication tools provides freedom and control for educators and learners, creating endless opportunities for enhancing any course! Each learner can complete assignments by creating multimedia publications with text, videos, photos and/or links:

Each user's publications become part of the author's portfolio and profile. Each author owns their publications and each publication can be edited indefinitely. 

Linkr enables each user to adjust the visibility of publications with unique scalable privacy settings.This flexibility and authentic potential for a global audience makes completing assignments meaningful and exciting. 

Sharing a publication with a class

Make sure when you publish work it is connected with your class so your classmates and teacher can find it. Associate your publication with the class in the publication menu and choose the audience for your publication.

Every class has its own publications tab which is populated by material associated with the class. When two or more classes meet in a co-taught class, they can share publications with each other to allow rich and dynamic cross-classes interactions. From a class publication tab it is easy to explore class publications:  

All publications shared beyond a class can be found by searching for a topic Author's receive notifications when their work receives comments, giving publications and coursework life beyond the classroom's walls:

Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any question regarding publications in linkr. 

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