
Privacy on linkr

Privacy and safety is a first priority for our users and we are GDPR compliant and provide complete security to all our users. 

Each user owns their publications, profile, and all linkr contributions they make. 

Each user also has complete control over the visibility of each publication they contribute to linkr. Click here to learn more about how publication privacy settings work on linkr. 

All classes have completely private areas for internal conversation and enabling educators to share course materials with learners. Classes as a whole can be as private as desired, depending on the educator's preferences and how they ask their learners to use linkr. Click here to learn about elements of classes that are private to only class members. 

Comments on publications can be public or private. Click here to learn more about comments on linkr.

Messaging allows users to privately communicate in linkr. Click here to learn more about messaging on linkr.

Organizations who depend on linkr for their Professional Development, Community Management, and Promotion have dedicated privacy controls which give great power and flexibility to organization administrators and members. To learn more about how linkr supports organizations, associations, training companies, academic offices, and networks, please email

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