Resources & Class Material
Resources & Class Material allow managers and administrators to share files, documents, and links with members. Group managers can also allow members to contribute resources to groups. Only members of a specific linkr, Group or Class can access its Resources & Class Material tabs.
In this article, you will learn about:
How to create Resources and Folders
How to drag and drop Resources and Folders
How to edit or delete Resources and Folders
The three types of Resources
When you create a new Resource, you have to choose the most appropriate type:
A file:
This resource type is best suited for files that you would like to upload and store on Linkr directly. Please note that there is no limit to the number of files you can store on Linkr and we accept most standard file formats (.doc, .pdf, .ppt, etc.) up to a maximum size of XXMB
A link:
This resource type is best suited for Web pages, online files or folders (eg, stored in a Google Doc or a One Drive) or any type of online resource that is directly accessible with a link / URL.
A YouTube or Vimeo video:
This resource type is ideal if you would like to embed YouTube or Vimeo videos. While you could share such videos using the aforementioned “link” resource type, using the “YouTube or Vimeo video” type embeds the video player directly, providing a better experience for your members.
To organize your files in your Resources & Class Material tabs, you can create folders to make files and links easier to find and share with others.
Below are some general suggestions for how to keep your files in order:
- Use a standardized naming convention: Keep file names short, simple, and meaningful. You can also add a date or numbers to make them easier to find.
- Create folders and subfolders: Folders help you keep track of files and organize them in a very intuitive way. It’s always a better idea to have subfolders (folders within folders) instead of a long list of resources.
- Drag and drop files: You can drag and drop files and folders into folders. It’s fast and easy. You can also reorder them using the same method!
How to create Resources and Folders
To add a new Resource or Folder in a Resources or Class Material tab, simply go that tab and click the “+” button. Select resources and complete the corresponding creation form:
You will then have to:
- Select if you would like to add a new Resource or a Folder
- Select the Resource type if required
Each Resource has its own page where comments can be posted.
A resource can be accessed directly via its URL. However, only the members of a specific space (linkrs, Groups and Classes) can access their Resources & Class Material.
How to drag and drop Resources and Folders
To move and organize Resources and Folders, simply:
- Left-Click on / touch and hold the item you would like to move
- Drag the item into where you want and wait for a colored line to appear, this will show you where the item will go
- Release to drop the item
- Repeat if the item is not at the right place
How to edit or delete Resources and Folders
Only linkrs Administrators, Class Managers and Group Managers can edit and delete Resources and Folders.
To do so, simply click on the three-dot menu at the right of each resource and select the relevant option:
Please note that deleted files and folders will be permanently removed from the Resources & Class Material.
* The Resources tab (in linkrs and Groups) & the Class Material tabs (in Classes) function identically so this page covers both topics.